Here will be project dissemination activities posted.
Videos about the Project:
Overall video about the Project: video
Video about the Work Package 3: video
Video about the Work Package 5: video
Articles in journals:
V. Komasilovs, A. Kviesis, A. Zacepins, A. Nasirahmadi, B. Sturm “Solution for remote real-time visual expertise of agricultural objects”, Agronomy Research 16(2), 464-473, 2018.
V. Komasilovs, A. Kviesis, A. Zacepins, N. Bumanis “Development of the data warehouse architecture for processing and analysis of the raw pig production data”, AGROFOR International Journal, Volume 3, Issue No. 3, pp. 64-71, 2018.
DOI: /Download/
A. Nasirahmadi, B. Sturm, A. Olsson, K. Jeppsson, S. Müller, S. Edwards, O. Hensel “Automatic scoring of lateral and sternal lying posture in grouped pigs using image processing and Support Vector Machine”, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 156, pp. 475-481, 2019.
A. Nasirahmadi, B. Sturm, S. Edwards, K. Jeppsson, A. Olsson, S. Müller, O. Hensel “Deep learning and machine vision approaches for posture detection of individual pigs”, Sensors, Volume 19(17), 3738, 2019.
G. Pexas, S. Mackenzie, M. Wallace, I. Kyriazakis “Environmental impacts of housing conditions and manure management in European pig production systems through a life cycle perspective: A case study in Denmark”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 120005.
P. Jackson, A. Nasirahmadi, J.H. Guy, S. Bull, P.J. Avery, S.A. Edwards, B. Sturm “Using CFD modelling to relate pig lying locations to environmental variability in finishing pens”, Sustainability 2020, 12(5), 19-28.
K. Grausa, V. Komasilovs, L. Brossard, N. Quiniou, M. Querne, A. Kviesis, N. Bumanis, A. Zacepins “Usability improvements of the Thermipig model for precision pig farming”, Agronomy Reseacrh, 2020, Vol. 18.
G. Pexas, S. Mackenzie, M. Wallace, I. Kyriazakis “Cost-effectiveness of environmental impact abatement measures in a European pig production system”, Journal of Agricultural Systems, 2020, 182, 102843.
K. Jeppsson, A. Olsson, A. Nasirahmadi “Cooling growing/finishing pigs with showers in the slatted area: Effect on animal occupation area, pen fouling and ammonia emission”, Livestock Science, Volume 243, 2021.
Posters and oral presentations at the Conferences:
Poster presented at Elmia Lantbruk 24-26.10.2018, Jönköping, Sweden. Poster in Swedish. Download.
A. Nasirahmadi, O.Hensel, S.Muller, P.Kirchhofer, B.Sturm “Side and belly lying posture detection in group pig based on binary images and SVM classifier”, AgEng 2018. Download.
K.H.Jeppsson, A.C.Olsson, R.Häggström “Ammonia emission from a fattening pig house with partly slatted floor during warm thermal conditions”, AgEng 2018. Download.
Poster presented at the EuroTier 2018 show can be downloaded here.
K.H.Jeppsson, A.C.Olsson “PigSys – gödslingsbeteende, boxhygien och ammoniakemission”. [PigSys – Excretory behavior, pen hygiene and ammonia emission]. Alnarp Pig Day, SLU, 18.10.2018. Oral presentation [Swedish]. Download.
K.H.Jeppsson, A.C.Olsson “Pen hygiene, pig behaviour and ammonia emission in Swedish fattening pig pens during warm thermal conditions”, The Swedish Veterinary Congress, Nov. 9-10 2018. Download.
Jeppsson, K-H., Olsson, A-C.,, Nasirahmadi, A. 2019. “Improved pen hygiene and reduced ammonia emission in a partly slatted fattening pig house during warm thermal conditions”. Conference in COST action LivAGE, Upper Gallilei, Israel, 19.02.2019. Oral presentation. Download.
Poster presented at the BSE 2019 conference can be downloaded here.
Poster is prepared for the MODNUT (9th Workshop on Modelling Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals). L. Brossard, A. Cadero, J.-Y. Dourmad, D. Renaudeau, F. Garcia-Launay, M. Marcon, N. Quiniou “Combining a bioclimatic and a growth model to assess the effect of management practices and building ambiance on growing pig performances at the batch level”. Download.
Olsson, A-C., Jeppsson, K-H., Nasirahmadi, A. 2019. Cooling of fattening pigs during warm thermal conditions improves behaviour and environment. Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, p. 621. Oral presentation. Download.
A-C.Olsson, K-H.Jeppsson, A.Nasirahmadi, 2019. Cooling of fattening pigs during varm thermal conditions. Meeting with Pig Producers in Sweden (Ring 65), 01.10.2019. Oral presentation. Download.
G. Pexas, S. Mackenzie, M. Wallace and I. Kyriazakis (2019) Environmental impacts of housing and manure management systems in European pig production, through a life cycle perspective. Session Globalisation and Climate. Thursday 11 April 2019. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
G. Pexas, S. Mackenzie, M. Wallace and I. Kyriazakis (2019) Environmental impacts of housing and manure management in European pig production systems. Session 18, Innovative approaches to pig production and pig research; Part 2. Wageningen Academic Publishers Early Career Competition. Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Ghent, Belgium.
G. Pexas, S. Mackenzie, M. Wallace and I. Kyriazakis (2019) Cost – effectiveness of environmental impact mitigation strategies in European pig production. Poster Session 40, Poster 23. Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Wednesday 28 August 2019. Ghent, Belgium. Download.
A. Nasirahmadi, J. Gonzalez, U. Knierim, O. Hensel, S. Müller, B. Sturm. Application of deep learning techniques for monitoring of livestock behaviour (poster), BTU 2019, Bonn, Germany. Download.
A. Nasirahmadi, O. Hensel, S. Müller, B. Sturm, 2019. Using convolutional neural network for automatic detection of standing and lying pigs. Workshop on Precision Livestock Farming, Bonn, Germany.
N. Quiniou, A. Cadero, M. Marcon, L. Brossard, A.-C. Olsson, K.-H., Jeppsson. Modelling growth performance of pigs and within-room thermal balance in different local conditions. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. Presentation can be downloaded here.
B. Sturm, A. Nasirahmadi, B. Kulig, S. Müller (2019). Precision Livestock Farming – Wie viel Digitalisierung verträgt beziehungsweise braucht die Tierhaltung?, 51. Tagungsband Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
Jeppsson, K-H., Olsson, A-C. 2020. Teknik för förbättrad boxhygien och minskad ammoniak-emission i slaktgrisboxar. [Techniques for improved box hygiene and reduced ammonia emissions in houses for growing/finishing pigs]. Pig Industry Day in Sweden, 12.03.2020. Oral presentation [Swedish]. Download.
Poster presented at the BSE 2020 conference can be downloaded here.